Sunday, 4 July 2021

Happy 4th of July now realise Independence is realising no man is an Island

Happy 4th of July now realise Independence is realising no man is an Island (c)

By Michael Casey

Happy Holidays to all of you over there, including my Boston family with others in USA too

So what does History show us?

History is Geography

The Romans came to Britain for the wheat, it wasn't the weather

Or the football

History is about Conquest and Slaves

Your slave would also be your lover in Roman times

The Empire expanded and folks became citizens

Slavery has been going on forever

Oppression too

It just seems in some parts of USA, they want it to go on forever


Americans seem like bored teenage kids with no attention span

But this restlessness has brought about Change and Technology

And America is so good, because it is a mixed Nation

Everybody from Everywhere is there

Though to some WASP is best,  and now they are being stung


Germans loved parades, Hitler knew that

The Romans had Bread and Circuses

In USA  you have Politics, with Hanging Chads causing disarray

Now a failed President just won't go away

LIES LIES LIES hold sway

Why have Americans become so weak as to believe all this

The Country does need rebuilding, Infrastructure Stupid I might say

But it's a flip of a coin as to what happens next

Poppies will come, Afghanistan is lost, you cannot beat Geography

Britain lost, USSR lost, USA has lost USA

Geography has won the day, and aways will

So will they flood the world with Poppies 

So nobody will care anyway

Covid has come, and UK seems to be winning

USA could too, if immaturity does not get in the way

Common sense, get the Vaccine and keep hands Clean

In Cowboy days Americans wore a mask to keep the dust out

What do we need to do, get ZZ Top to teach you

Common Sense

Though is that a contradiction in terms

All sounds so grim

And the Grim Reaper has had a field day

So as America becomes Isolationist, again

What should I say to those born in the USA

Emotion, and Passion and Power

all these and more are the USA

Music Love and More

Black Music especially, the Blues, Jazz and more

Church and Choir

Spirituals and Mormons too

Everything in between

Yet what is so obscene

Love thy Neighbour as  Thyself

Has been left on the shelf, and hidden behind the self raising flour

Love is a Flower, America is. Flower

Flowers need Love and Watering

Just as all our children do

Come Little Children unto Me

Faith of a Child, just as my mother had and poured into me

This 4th of July, Born in the USA

Remember what your mother said

You are as good as anybody

Be nice to everybody

Never turn your back on anybody

Beating Covid in the USA, just follow common sense

But what about your neighbour

We are one world, one family

If USA does not help all Humanity, and lead by Example

The common ark will sink, we sail the 7 seas together

Or we all fall off the end of the world

Into nothing

All or Nothing

This is what all our choirs should sing

Because unless all the world beats Covid

The world will be worth nothing

Save all the house, not just your basement flat

And can USA do all this

Yes, today, tomorrow and every day

Because USA has all the world in it

So Look outward to the rest of the world

Love thy neighbour like thyself

Or as my own mother advised for the Future

Don't fight, be nice to one another

So start with one person, one family

And spread like a Plague of LOVE

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...