Monday, 12 July 2021

As I sit here with my head fizzing

As  I sit here with my head fizzing

I wonder should I have gone for the super duper pain killers

I've rubbed my left shoulder with Movelat, twice

I've taken 2 paracetamol

MY kidneys mean I cannot take other stuff

My Tinnitus is joining in, always

The weight on my shoulder is 3 men now

A few minutes ago it was a rugby team

I'm not making this up

I did try the Pain meds years ago

But 12 hours later I was still in "hey man" mode

and the other ones were no good

So I stick to Paracetamol and my Pain

Movelat used to work in minutes but now takes longer

The Pain seems more frequent and lasts longer

In so many different places

But at least I can write, though for the past few weeks

Tinnitus is killing my sleep, what is was

So now you know, I'm not pretending


If you email rubbish to me, it gets deleted

and If I reply, I do expect you to read it

Autopilots deserve to crash and burn

So you have been warned

I have a title for the next piece of writing

As I look back,  I am no flash in the pan (c) by Michael Casey

so be on the look out for that, but you may need to hold your nose

And while I'm at it PREPOSITIONS give Foreigners away

They get them wrong, which proves they still don't know enough English

Yes you can learn English by reading  my rubbish

But I'm hear for amusement, and learning on the side

If you want perfect English, get an English lover, and move to England

Or learn American English from films

By the way I saw a great Russian film Major Grom

Go watch it, but watch in Russian with English subtitles

Because the dubbed English is rubbish

Major Grom, well done, I'll watch out for more Russian films now

My fizz is getting louder now

I'm on autopilot, I could not write anything new right now

Celine Dion is singing in French Le Blues du Businessman

She's sing she aways wanted to be an Artist

I love that song

I have to finish now

Never never never. disregard those in pain or with Tinnitus

Even a smile helps

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...