Tuesday, 27 July 2021

2am Bedtime

we ended up going to bed after 2am

so I feel a bit jet lagged

Though I still have the vain hope that Trump finally cracks

But he won't, a liar such as he never does

Love of Money is the root of all Evil

Those who voted against Democracy are so full of it

Decline and Fall of USA Empire

No infrastructure if  you are Investigating Me

And still the blind cannot see the reality

And Trump would probably win in 2024

GOP corrupt to the core

Its really sad, shades of Hitler and dictators once more

We need to fix the Planet, not event even more ways to destroy it

At least Atypical on tv has been great, I'll finish my binge watching today

And why did the mothers hair get so bad after she trimmed it

The acting on Atypical is good, looks very natural

But where are all the WRITERS credits

Just Producers Galore, without the Words there is nothing

So give writers SPACE on the credits

Atypical just go watch it, a 9 from me.

Vincenzo gets a 10 and that's in Korean with subtitles on

And yes my tinnitus is HORRIBLE

10 countries today over on Wordpress

Quick Stories in Korean is winning all the medals

It's an omnibus of 2 books, plus 40 extra stories

So thank you Korea for reading me

Now tell everybody

my nighttime phone that I listen to music from has died

So I'll have another pass me down phone to use in the night

Music in the Night as I howl in the night when pain strikes

I will get back on the horse, just as the American gymnast will

Though I'll just be writing new stories

But nobody has caught up with me

3300 pieces on this Blogger alone, 2000+ stories

rest maybe like this @chats@

I'm stopping now, Pain is making me twitch

this is me as a dad, 18 years ago


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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...