Thursday, 29 July 2021

It's all your own fault according to Laura on FOX NEWS

It's all your own fault according to Laura on FOX NEWS

Nothing to do with BBC Laura from a piece earlier

As a fan of news for 50 plus years now

It makes me sick that Morons still hold sway in USA

Yes they buy pillows to sit on

As the pillars of Democracy fall down

Anarchy USA

No Infrastructure in 2019

If you investigate me, YOU are getting nothing

A walk in, a walk out and that was all Trump had to say

Now he'll rock the boat, if you don't agree with him

Primaries against his own team

This is the depths the ROC has fallen too

A Tyrant in any which way, is STILL holding sway

The Lunatic taking over the asylum

It's time to leave him in the bunker

Or will he go off to UAE to play around or two

Health is the Only Wealth

Trump should be shouting from the rooftops 

every single day GET VACCINATED

Every single day

Instead he had his jab in secret

He waffles every which way, to avoid clarity and legal jeopardy 

So he can claim he said nothing

Just like the Cardinals note in The Three Musketeers

He boasts about being so great

We got there in the end, but the journey was disaster

The Miracle was USA didn't explode, while he was at the controls

Now he lies, and steals donations to feather his own nest

The Capital was a picnic, according to him

This is his Original Sin, and only far right preachers and their flocks believe him

The stats show they are refusing the Vaccine the most

And what about him, I'm alright Jack

Its time to wake up from this Canute, and take to the lifeboats

This Canute, is killing everybody but does he really really care

So long as he can scam money, while USA burns

A modern Nero, claiming to be a hero, when if fact he is a Zero

Zero everything, like his fanatics who are Dying because they

trust him, who leaves them dying  in the street

He is no Samaritan, just Miami vice, pretending to be ever so nice

Behind fake tan, fake smile, fake everything

And why do folks still believe the lies

Fox News Laura blaming the victims

And while it was all going on, he watched it on Tv

Instead of sending in the troops to save to Democracy

He was enjoying the show, as people were dying

Lets see the chronography instead of vile choreography of LIES

Born in the USA,  to die of Ignorance and Lies

A leader turned tyrant

and that's the View from the Hill, here in Birmingham England

Get your Vaccination and be a much better Nation

And throw Trump and all his liars in the dustbin of History

You are so much better that him, now prove it

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...