Friday, 2 July 2021

Friday 2nd July 21

Friday 2nd July 21

Imagine me naked on a surf board, catching the waves

That's the sound of me in my bed, as Tinnitus beats down 

Crashes down like waves inside my head

A horrible site to behold, me naked in bed

Scars everywhere and the roar of the  ocean in my head

A Tsunami of sound and I try to sleep

If only a whale would swallow me, like Jonah 

Instead I'm a Moby Dick being attacked 

Never, never, never mock Tinnitus

It is a bridge too far

Anyway that's why my story production has slowed

Though I had a thought for an Interview story

But if I could dictate I'd get it done

Or speech to text software

Instead I'd sliding down a snake

A bucking bronco of sound

All I need is ZZ Top to play a riff

cos I've had enough of it

So say a prayer for me, in all sincerity

and for all you clever people

Sincere comes from the Latin

Sin Cere which is without wax

If the sculptor was good, no mistakes

So need of wax filler

Maybe if I had wax in my ears then my Tinnitus might go away

But obviously that is not true

So goodbye to  you, till The Interview by Michael Casey

pops on the page, to replace my Tinnitus rage

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...