Friday, 23 July 2021

Anthropology and Me or rather my small daughter sat next to me, in her corner

Anthropology and Me or rather my small daughter sat next to me, in her corner

Well I'm learning all about Anthropology, kind of

I look in a mirror, and recognise an Orangutang, Me

I also look in the mirror and change, me this Michael

The other one never followed his own advice

So my small daughter is picking her nose, that's a joke

She picking where to go after next years A Levels

Which University she likes

You have to pick 5 for UCAS, this is the  gateway to universities in UK

So I'm hearing about all the places she'd like to go to

And I'm thinking about the cost

Not just in money, but I'll miss her

Though one option is where a friend will be and he can protect her

And we like and trust him

Otherwise I'm thinking a Lesbian Martial Arts person would be perfect

To be a friend and protector, but maybe I'm just an old fashioned dad

Read Lech, Boris and Gregorgi Check it Out  for my info

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi Check it Out © – Humour Writing by ...

Back to Anthropology, my daughter has grown up in 2 Cultures, 

she is Birmingham/Shanghai girl after all, and Bilingual too

Though her  Muslim school friends used to call her Little Muslim because of her vast Religious

knowledge, she got a 9, after all, which it the  very highest mark

she's been in a C of E choir for 10 years too, and yes I'm catholic Altruist for my sins

And as you know I used to teach Esol English in an Islamic School for a year

So Culture and people is in the family, and I did do 3 years at CPNEC too

Family connections to several Nationalities too

She says she wants to be the next Louis Theroux or David Attenborough 

If she said Media studies I'd have thrown her in the canal

and Birmingham has more than Venice

That would be a waste of a degree, Mickey Mouse almost

You can teach yourself all that in 3 months

Just as I can teach anybody English in 3 months

Discuss and scream at the screen

Too much Andy Warhol, everybody wants to be famous,

and they are, for 15 Minutes

Too  much wanbee tv

If every my Words, my Books are famous

I'll never do Interviews, my "work"  speaks for itself

I can hear you all choking on your ice lolly

At least my keyboard has a cover to keep the splashes off

I'd rather go down the pub for a beer and food

Interviews are boring for this writer

So I'd never do any

As for Anthropology the hardest bit is spelling it

It's all about People, who need  People are People

I was going to dress i drag and do my Barbara Streisand 

But where was I, here dripping my 2nd lolly over my keyboard cover

I'm learning a lot and pleased I actually know a lot

You are my Google my daughter used to say

I just remember stuff and don't know I know it, till my daughter asks a question

So that's gratifying, I'll be of some use to her and her big sister

All we need to do if find out all the best cheap food places near

Whichever University she can get into, and for Anthropology the grades are high

My dad used to say you can aways work in Woolworths

And one of my sisters did, read Shoplife my play

That nearly made me famous. back in 1989

As you read it, the born again Shopworker Bernadette

That was based on my sister, who sadly died last year

But she lives forever in the play Shoplife

and yes it's true and very funny

I'm overheating now so I'll stop

 › ...

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...