Sunday, 18 April 2021

Sea Shanties

 Sea Shanties

should be the next piece I write considering the noise in my ears

Had a half good/ half bad night, the sea in my ears keeping me awake

Noise is used as a means of torture, and these past 3 years I've had more than my share of it

In fact I think Tinnitus is worse than the 4 hour pain attacks

or the times when I cannot breath and my chest around my hernia hurts

my tone of voice also changes

other pains happen, a merry go around of pain

you even get stabbed from the inside

your plate stabbing you from within

So you have to enjoy the good hours

and hope the bad times stay away

but the don't

I'm explaining for you so you can understand

I'm not just that gorgeous hunk

full of, _______ insert word of your choice

This what chronic pain is

You see me in the store and think, he's so gorgeous and fit

when minutes later I can feel like ----   insert word of your choice again

That's why it's so annoying

and could be soul destroying

So think before you assume you've read the room

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far