Wednesday, 7 April 2021

wed 7th April 2021 In bed with Lenny Bruce and Obama too

 Morning all

Well Tinnitus was pain yesterday

I'm in the land of the living now

I dug out an old keyboard but it feels right

smooth island keys

ask any writer or data inputter

a keyboard makes a big difference

its a bit like stroking the legs of a lover

I'll leave that thought with you


I did think of Lenny Bruce while I was in bed too

Strange bedfellows

I even had an idea that  made me smile

I could write the most graphic and profane piece ever

Though I leave blanks for you all

you have to crayon in the words for yourselves

I could also record or auto record the piece

But it would get banned without even being read/heard

The BBC actually banned a piece of mine from a website

Yes Really


Because the tag line said"and send me 10 dollars"

So I was accused of Soliciting Money


Read Internet story, I think that was the title

it's somewhere on my 4 sites

This is the Main one, and Wordpress has the most Translations on

The other 2 are backups

I'm enjoying this keyboard, the feel is so smooth

Not as much fun as stroking a lover

But I'll leave that to your imagination again, and again and again

I'm glad I switched keyboards this is so good

I'm having a When Harry met Sally moment

Pink is singing behind me too on the smart speaker

She is such a great singer For Now  is the song

SO Lenny Bruce was inked with me, him and his spiders

I thought of an entire riff, so go BLANK BLANK yourself

I laughed aloud in my Tinnitus bed

And Tinnitus hissed back like Muttley

So I may write that up, or maybe not

That' the strange thing with Writers' Minds, or maybe it's just me

Pete But whatever his name is got in on a story yesterday

I was just saying but, when But whatever his name is sprung to mind

Him and his bicycle, so I just followed the chain of thought

That's why he ended up in drag at a Cabinet meeting

Blame Dr Jill climbing the Hill with a pail of water

I'm like the Donald, but without the drugs, he should be taking

I could go off on another riff, but why give him any more publicity

Which brings me to OBAMA, in Chicago

Now it's Easter, time of forgiveness and loving thy neighbour

No, I don't mean stroking legs and pretending it's a keyboard either

What I'm on,  on about, is what is the Easter message

It's Hope and Love and should be bigger than Christmas

though folks think Christianity is Christmas

The theologians amongst you can discuss that

If you are not playing with your keyboards

So what does Pierre mean

Pierre means Rock in French

So Saint Peter was the Rock the church was founded on


Now is a church, a faith a collection of beautiful buildings

and Art and Priests and Buildings going back 2000 years?

Or is it a collection of rocks?

Yes its a collection of Pierres, people

A church is a people

Not a mega church where the "priest" is a millionaire

and flaunts it, but slams the door shut when a natural disaster happens

The church, any church is a collection of Pierres

So OBAMA, I'm talking to you, there is money in the kitty

Private  money for your library

So here's an idea

Rather than put rocks on rocks for a Library

Have a collection of Pierres instead

Have the Rhodes scholars for 2021 onwards

Don't waste time defining Rhodes etc

Let there be the Obama Scholarships

Post Covid the world needs Pierres not rocks

So, I'll give tell you what Lenny Bruce would say


Help kids get an education, start a business

Use the money  in the kitty for that

Is it $400,000,000 dollars?

Build Minds not Buildings

You are Obama and on this rock, build minds and businesses first

Because of You  is playing is playing on the smart speaker

So Smart Speaker, that's you Obama, let people say, Because of YOU

They got some education, they started a business

This is a mustard seed I'm sending you

We had the "Trump University"

Now you can do something for real, that will really make a difference

Build Minds, leave rocks for later, if at all

A building may last 100 years, but an idea?

You are Pierre

Now do something, or will Lenny Bruce have to reveal


is that physically possible

I am impressed

Now impress Chicago for real

Michael Casey

the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

p.s. if you bump  into Pete But whatever his name is, tell him Birmingham  is

       NOT in Alabama, he's such a card, now play with the deck I've giving you.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far