Monday, 5 April 2021

Dr Jill Biden's Trashy Look on Thursday

this s from the Daily Mail their copyright my comment is below

It was April Fools Day on Thursday over here in Birmingham too

Obviously Jill asked my advice, I set go up the Hill with a pail of water

and throw it over those folks who get in the way of RECONSTRUCTION

Ok, the writer's truth, I said you can borrow my size ten kinky boots

and my G string, though you might need to wash it first

or get one of your dogs to slobber over it, to clean it

Recyling is a good thing, as are bikes, ask Pete

But anyway, I cannot spell all of his name

So forget about him, till all the road building starts

So Gill, or Jill, I was mixing you up with my friend Gill

She always said I led people up the garden path

Have you still got a garden after Trump trashed it

with his Covid 19 spreader conventions

But anyway, and no Pete I'm NOT talking about you

Anyway, Gill I mean Jill wanted to prank folks

So she dressed up as an air hostess with a wig.

She told me my drag queen costume that I wear  on Fridays

was too risque for her

I like to show off my bypass scar, with my now add on breast poking through

Now she is first lady she couldn't do that

So I sent her some shoes, and fishnets

They are shrink to fit, by Largfeld, he left me them in his Will

So all Jill had to do was put them in a washing machine for 7 hours overnight

Then in the morning they would fit her

But, and NO I'm not talking to you Pete, the world isn't just you

Who do you think you are, Trump

He's crying now, and he's cycled all over the lawn and squashed chocolate

Left over from the Easter Egg  hunt yesterday

Or it could be "chocolate" left over by the Biden dogs

Woof, step back security, he's not quiet diplomatic enough yet

Back to Jill, so she put a wig on, made from shaved chest hair

That's why it was so curly, or maybe from Joe's arms

And served icecream to everybody

While dressed as an Air Hostess

But nobody reads the news in USA

So I know it was all part of a custom prank

And I in Birmingham, the one to the left over the sea, England

But nobody knows any Geography, hey But, yes you Pete

You're clever, explain it to everybody, where Birmingham is


Pete, you're such a card, The Joker

Get on your bike

Which means something else in UK

Ask Norman Tebbit, do you know who he is, clever cloggs

The Biden dogs are chasing Pete away

So back to Jill, I've glad you pranked everybody 

Sadly some folks have no sense of humour

But, that's Pete is yelling something now, as he fell in the water

Can he borrow your airhostess costume, as he has no spare clothes

and he can't go wet nor naked to a cabinet meeting

And that explains why Jill has a sense of humour

And why Pete But whatever his name is,  wore drag today

Simple in any Language, and yes I  know  Pete speaks loads

That's why Joe keeps his dogs close, to bark when time is up

And tell Pete But whatever his name is I have readers in 90

places now, I have coverage but lack penetration

He can read my stuff everywhere, in any language

Even in my original English, maybe Jill will read me

to the dogs, it'll stop them biting, or am I barking mad

Danny La Rue, we all miss you

"When Irish Eyes are Smiling"...

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far