Friday, 16 April 2021

Harry Styles again 16 April 21

Harry Styles again 16 April 21

Well Qatar and Morocco were looking at the site overnight, so hello to them

As for me, it was Rosary again, no I'm far from pious

But it does help me sleep, as my mother used to say, say the Rosary if you cannot sleep

And with Tinnitus is my ears for 3 years, and lately

The result, my mother was right, they always are

And she'd give me a slap in the puss if I contradicted her

Harry Styles is singing behind me, he's too ugly to look at

So he sits on a stool and sings

Taylor Swift is busy so maybe I'll get Harry to do the high dusting  instead

I ventured out and down to the shop yesterday at the bottom of our hill

The girl behind the counter has lost a stone, 6/7kilos or so

I told her she looked thinner, she was so happy to hear it

I may not have seen her for a year, my slaves have been doing the shopping

Speaking of Slaves and Masters, I now hear PC is attacking PCs

You must not use Master and Slave terminology in the IT world


Language is a living thing, it should not be put in a Straightjacket of PC

I used to work with a  guy his initials were PC, so he was forever PC

I also worked with a guy called Jeremy Thorpe, go Google that

I've not seem him in 40 years

And one of our lodgers was John Lennon

Names are names and words are words

Learn some  History, instead of following a Tide

Otherwise you'll be a right Canute

And yes I did mispronounce it in Mr Readings History class 50 years ago

As BigD reminds me, he is a PhD now, small in stature but a very big brain

BigD were a brand of peanuts, hence the nickname

3 or 4 others from the class are Doctors now

I was in a bunch of clever dicks

What would you all call me


you are all so cruel

I'm  going to live till I'm 100 now

Just to make you suffer doubly, how would 5,000,000 words

make you feel?

Sounds like somebody being sick in a bucket already

Shall I call one of my Doctors

Or just get Harry Styles to get his mop out of the cupboard

I may write something new later on

No Vincenzo today, so I'll rewatch  him when he hears his mum has been killed

Then next week, double trouble

Do you think I should get some fancy shades, to make me look like him?

I know I must be twice his girth, but you  get your money's worth with me

Enough of the self flattery, come back later and see if I've written 

anything new, but there are 3271 pieces on this site alone

So go chew them, like a dog and a bone

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far