Thursday, 22 April 2021

There are many things I could say

There are many things I could say © 


Michael Casey 

Yes, there are many things I could say, but sometimes some things are best left unsaid, and you don’t need say some things because they don’t need saying. Simple really. We never said I love you and all that when we grew up, or even today 50 years on. It seems in today’s Selfie taking world, too much has been said, but what is actually said is meaningless. Just like the old song The Songs you sing are meaningless by Lindisfarne, if you have even heard of it then I’ll be amazed. 

Over assertive, over blown words and actions, without any depth are all too common, as I observe from my position sat on the fence like a sparrow waiting for the cat to go away before stealing the dog’s dinner. A grannie giving you a sweet or a squeeze has far more worth, than Reality TV Life. So now some say Covid19 will change people forever. Just as Live Aid was a cry from the heart, but did the buzz last forever then? Did the 2012 Olympic buzz last forever? 

Some people have Charity and Love in their hearts already, some communities have a vibe and feeling or MoJo as Cuomo calls it. This is great, but if you are Christian you may remember the Parable of the Sower, about how it is the depth of love that makes the difference. And quick is not always lasting, just as they say Marry in haste Regret at Leisure. 

So as Covid19 changes all of us, some for the better, some for the worse, do think ahead, what do you like about yourself, have you changed, or will you go back to your old life, will you be a better man, or will you go back to beating the wife. And will you criticize my words without thinking about the meaning and metaphors behind them. Because it’s too easy to be lazy, and thinking is for losers as you go back to your Selfie life. 

I could say much much more, but in the end you have to decide for yourself, but Wisdom is a hard fought teacher, often gained in Battle, but best of all learnt while sat on your mother’s knee. So I say thank you mum and Cromane Lower Kerry for pouring everything into me. 

where my mum was born and grew up, inside the stone building

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