Monday, 16 March 2020

handling people

Handling People (c)
Michael Casey

If there is a fire you hit the alarm and you shout FIRE FIRE and get OUT
If you want to persuade you speech Gently and People on Your side
You  tailor your argument so that People Listen

Its Advertising

So with Covid 19 Coronavirus the Government is trying  to Persuade
That was the 5th sentence, I did not jump in
Mass Advertising and that's what it is has to appeal to the lowest common denominator

It has to reach the parts other lagers or adverts don't reach
If you want something you ask your mum and she asks your dad on your behalf
So it is with Covid 19

There are a load of common sense things, like washing hands
How many man when in a pub have a pee and never wash their hands
Then they shake hands with all their friends and share nibbles
This is bad already, but now must cease forever

Any Government must gently push and prod the Population
It's like a Strip Tease of new orders and regulations
Slowly does it
Hopefully some will be ahead of the game and do the obvious
Before being told, it's a tide of changes coming in
A Tsunami of ORDERS would be resisted

That's why governments do it the way they do
National character affects the way things are done
And if you protect the most vulnerable then they'll be safe
Staying home is safe

Yes there will be changes and some minor common sense FLEXIBILITY
But cheap shots, and bitching  won't help anybody
It's not a Horror story, even if it may feel like it

Look after those you Love with Love
And help your community if you are able
There is room for everybody at this table

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...