Wednesday, 4 March 2020

4th March chat or 14 days in bed with Michael Casey

4th March chat or 14 days in bed with Michael Casey

well hello  to France, la belle France, and thanks to all the Hebrew readers who have discovered my book The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
do you think Mike Bloomberg might help me some day, when he's not so busy?

I write for myself, and for everybody, nobody owns me, I hope anybody anywhere will enjoy my words. Me, as a person might be a piece of work, whatever that means, but at least you could enjoy the stories. You'll never actually meet me, just my words , 1,580,000 now last time I  checked.

I'm watching the Hunters on tv, so I'm impressed by Jewish culture as revealed through the show. Now doubt I'll learn more about different cultures as I watch more shows. I do love my Korean Kdramas, feature film values, but in a tv show, maybe I'll live to marry a Korean Kpop girl and have another family, but somehow I doubt it. She'd have to be a nurse, just in case my Health gets even worse as time goes on. But as my mother always said God is Good, so  as long as my children thrive what happens to me does not matter, only they matter. This is the Irish way, but I'm sure my Hebrew readers will say it sounds Jewish to them.
Arab countries and South American countries, as well as the Far East read my stuff, so all faiths and none accept my words in  my stories.
I will write a story story soon, there's so much material for you all to read already, I'll love to hear has anybody actually read EVERYTHING. I'm busy watching the USA election, I've followed politics for 50 years, since I was a child. I just pray Trump's absolute corruption ends in the dustbin of History.

That's all for now, wash your hands as you sing an Abba song, and no French kissing any strangers. Just stay at home in bed for 2 weeks, if we all did a John and Yoko then this virus would be gone, and we'd have a baby boom, plus less pollution in the world.

So go to bed with Michael Casey and read all my 1,580,000 words, and you'd all speak like me and the virus would be gone. Could you survive 14 days in bed with me?

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...