Thursday, 5 March 2020

How do you know you are

How do you know you are….

How do you know you are….
Well here Birmingham England the Govt is all set, just in case the Corona 19 virus gets big. Everybody seems chilled enough. My wife was in Shanghai when it all began, but was over 500 miles away, so she spent her Chinese New Year  holiday staying in her mum’s apartment and NOT going out. Then she managed to get a flight out, after a delay, before all the flights were stopped. Then once back in UK she self isolated.  Then she came back home to nag us to death. But today we have the first case of the virus in Birmingham, and nationally an older sick person has died.
So now my family are telling me to stay  home, as I’m classed as “weak” due to my heart and kidney weaknesses. So will I become a prisoner in my own home, in order to avoid the  risk of getting any virus? Just sending them out for milk and bread every day, while I get everything else delivered. The local store has a delivery service. James rides a big big bike, with an even bigger wicker basket on the front. So James can deliver.
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