Tuesday, 31 March 2020

chat 31 march 2020

chat 31 March 2020

well I will get around to writing something new, I had  fun with the AI story

the style is similar to the monologue style of a famous comedian

And NO I don't copy anybody, it's all osmosis, just like Paul McCartney and

Jane Asher, I was watching a documentary last night, how influences and so

forth educated Paul, meanwhile John was doing too much acid, according to the

 Documentary.  So Paul advanced outwardly while John was on an inner journey.

My own view is I don't need any substances, some people think I'm weird

enough already, IMAGINATION is all you need, not substances. Just say NO.

So this mornings USA,Algeria,Moldova, Korea, France and UK are reading me

over on Wordpress, and the usual suspects here on Blogger.

I think The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker resonates because it's about 

ordinary people, so any person anywhere can say that's just like X Y or Z in

whatever the reader lives in. A lot of the stories within in the 600 page novel are

true too. My dad really did save the Undertaker's son's life, hence that entered as

material for the book. When my dad finally died after his 5.5 years extra time,

the Undertaker made my dad look 10 years younger in death, as a thank you for

saving his life. But a writer should never reveal his sources, just like a journalist,

or a magician. The things Laura Kuenssberg can do with pigeons you just would

not believe, that's how she gets the scoops first, pigeon post.

So come back later and I may have something new for you, but do tell everybody in  your address book where to find 2000 stories and a full length novel in Translation, here and on my Wordpress. As well as 200 + Audio.

Though you could just binge watch Pirates of the Caribbean on Disney+ as somebody in our household has, one a day, not all 5 in one day.

Though the future college has sent my small daughter a reading list for her A Levels, so that will keep her busy. I'm trying to persuade her to do an EPQ, over the long school layoff, this is a 20 page essay, 6000 words. Then its done and dusted before you even start your A levels. So if any grown ups are reading this why not persuade your own kids. A page a week, and it's done. I could do one in 3 days or so myself, as its serious stuff.

Another idea for you all is Dancing on Doorsteps, so you have a street party while still on your doorstep.

Ok, its dinner time, chorizo and cheese microwaved in a bread sandwich, which used to be my night shift dinner at 4am for over a decade, though ham not chorizo was the thing if I remember rightly. If you have never worked a night shift I'll just say, AVOID IT. I think I did 14 years worth, up to 12 hours a night, on fast rotation.

Ok that's it, I'll post another Lech, Boris and Gregorgi story  to keep you all going.

Wave It, Don't Shake it, I'll leave that with you...

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...