Thursday, 30 May 2019

30th May 2019 news update

30th May 2019 news update

I've put the Chinese translation of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker back on top  on my Wordpress and a link here to there.

Meanwhile Guatamala is reading the Spanish translation  today

Korean and Russian versions of my writing are also being read.

I won't list everything, but 60 countries read me last time I counted.

So thanks to all of you.

I have not reached critical mass yet, ok, apart from being fat.

Thousands of readers all over the world, but I have yet to be picked up by a mainstream publisher

Maybe if I  were a Politician I'd get a book deal, close but no cigar, story of my life.

I really would like to write the full length novel Tears for a Butcher, but that would take too much

energy and time, and I don't have either in abundance.

So  a speed typist is required, then  I could dictate it.

But that's another dream

Some day my Kpop girl singer will arrive and type for me.

Notice the comedy and pathos, some people are just so straight in their thinking, in a straight jacket.

So I have to explain things in Janet and John fashion.

I now have a kind of tennis ball size bulge in my chest that inflates when I laugh, and occasionally

 hurts, these are the side effects post quadruple heart bypass.

Or I could be turning into a woman, maybe my K pop girl singer will lend me a dress

 if ever she arrives.

I may write something new before midnight, so keep on checking back

Michael Casey

p.s I had a fake billionaire wanting to send me money yesterday,

the only way to give me money is by buying my 18 books

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far