Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Did I Write That?

Did I Write That? ©
Michael Casey

Well I was just checking my readers, just to make sure I’m not talking to myself. Korea was reading Still Alive 2015, which rhymes if you say two O one five, five and alive rhymes. Italy and Russia were reading too, as well as the usual suspects. As I checked you out, I noticed noticed an old piece from 2 years ago was being read. Personal Pentecost was the piece, as I read it I thought, did I write that. Usually I write a piece and post it, I may read it 3 times, as I post it and do a very quick check for typos as I load it up to my 4 sites. Then I’m finished, and I may never read it again.

I don’t rewrite and polish, I’m not Jeffrey Archer after all, though he does have a Monet on his wall. Sit, pick a theme and write, then in an hour I’m done. Yes that quick, it’s enough for my intellectual stimulation. If I did several hours it would be too draining, yes writing can be tiring. And yes If I had a speed typist I’d dictate Tears for a Butcher, I think 3 months would be enough. Maybe two 2 hour sessions a week for 12 weeks. So in 48 hours I could tell the tale, maybe another 600 pages. Obviously I need to pace myself with all my aliments coming out to attack me at times of their choosing. But like I said I’m very quick, and I’d like to write it, however doing it  myself sat here at the keyboard could take a year, and I’m not prepared to spend a year of my life doing that. So any speed typists out there reveal yourselves to me.

Now more to the point, it’s nice when a piece of writing is finished, because you can go to the bog, or have a cup of coffee. Joking apart its nice because you can open the wrapping paper and see what’s inside. Have you phrased it right, it’s a bit like thinking did you say the right thing at an interview, or did you say the right thing to your girl. If you say the wrong thing then you get your face slapped, if it’s really really wrong her brothers come around and batter you. But if it’s right you are in for a night of passion. Then you get to name your kids after her 7 brothers, Park, Ji, Yo, Po, Bo, Tong and Kevin. Seven is a lucky number after all, ask your Korean friends if you don’t believe me. And yes that sentence is in this piece as a thank you to my Korean readers for reading my stuff over on Wordpress.

Some times the writing has a joke in which is a reference to this or that, or even the other. On other occasions whatever I’ve read in the news bubbles to the surface and hits the page. Music in the background as I talk to you will be a ball in the pin ball machine which is my mind, and it will bounce around and give my an idea in a nanosecond, or however fast I type. Probably 60wpm when I’m on a roll, but as I’ve said in the Pentecost piece I just ladle things from my soup and that’s what you get.

When I finish a piece then I think, I nailed it, or I was off. It’s not a piece of carpentry, its not mass production, every piece is unique. Yes I know I may come back to some ideas, but really everything is unique like a monkey painting canvases and you saying it’s a Picasso. The question is do you like your Picassos or do you prefer the Crying Child or the dusky lady on your wall? I wouldn’t have those,I’d send them back, or send them to the Charity Shop.

So I hope when I write I’m not just amusing myself, I’m getting the night of passion, and not beat up by 7 brothers. I step back and look at the page and thank God it is not the Crying Child. I hope it amuses and that you all like it. Though I must say I don’t write to order,I write what I like and hope you all like it too. So let’s step back from today’s page and read it together. Am I pleased? Will you send the 7 brothers to beat me, or will the sister be coming.

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