Saturday, 25 May 2019

25th May 2019

25th May 2019

it's Padre Pio's birthday today

Russia is reading more often

Arabic translations of Butcher Baker Undertaker and 300 and Not Out  are getting more popular

I think relatives in USA read it, then tell relatives back home to have a look, I assume

So thank you all, wherever you are, one of 60 countries, even Azerbaijan reads my stuff

I had to look Azerbaijan up on the map

So I'm world famous, or rather my writing is, but only to a select few

Maybe if the Pope or Trump or Putin gives me a shout out then I'll get recognition and reward

Though the rewards would be passed on to my daughters

Its hot today, and yes saying the Rosary does help the fight against Tinnitus in the night

I haven't even thought about what to write about today but I'm off to the shops for bread,

so an idea may present itself,  ideas are like flashers suddenly exposing themselves.

Which reminds me of another story....

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