Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Ignorance is Bliss

Ignorance is Bliss ©
Michael Casey
I will not believe until I put my hands in his wounds
Here place your hands in my wounds
Now I believe
Better to believe and have Faith rather than wait, have trust
The sun rotates around the Earth
Galileo Galilei should be locked up for heresy
The moon is made of cheese
Neil Armstrong faked it
At least the trains ran on time under Mussolini
It’s all lies about Hitler and the Jews
Assad loves everybody, he gassed nobody,
he’s a  doctor he’d never hurt anybody
Car exhausts never hurt anybody, they are just stupid kids anyway
Smoking is cool, that’s why it’s in all the 1950s films
Radiation does not hurt
Sunshine is good for you, get a tan
Some meds give you great tans as a side effect, so take meds
Eat fat and don’t exercise you won’t have a heart attack
It’s all a lie to punish farmers
Speed does not kill, let people drive as fast as they like
Guns don’t kill, let everybody have a gun and an assault rifle too
Why shouldn’t I have 10,000 rounds of ammo in my house
Why should I lock ammo and guns away separately
The 3 year old deserved to have its face blown off by a 5 year old
It’s my right, there were just stupid toddlers
I can talk on the phone and ignore my kids playing in the kitchen
It’s not my fault I they scald themselves, I warned them once, 3 years ago
Arms races don’t cause wars, selling arms is great  for the economy
Pollution does not kill
Global warming does not exist
Who cares if a few islands in the Pacific disappear,
they are only small anyway
It’s great to have more sunshine
It only snows in the Rockies, it’s great for the skiers anyway
A bit of wind is good, it blows the cobwebs away
Vaccinations are BAD, they make you sick
Measles is no big deal anyway
Bill Gates is a fool wasting all his money on vaccinations for poor countries
Poor Countries don’t matter, what did they do for ME anyway
I could have sold him Manhattan at half the price
Now a commission to prove The Earth is Flat
Will USA finally wake up to the total ARROGANCE of IGNORANCE?
It really is heart breaking that a Fool is in charge of USA
People all say yes, for Power, whatever happened to Love of Country?
The Fool has taken over, and nobody has done anything
Every day is a wasted day
A lie if you repeat it often enough is believed
But rather everybody is deceived
Liar, Liar burn in Fire
Everybody must run to defend the TRUTH and the Planet Itself
So let’s all run BONE SPURRS permitting and Defend Planet Earth
Or are you going to sit it out, while others go to war to save our Home, Earth

Ignorance is Bliss ©
Michael Casey

I will not believe until I put my hands in his wounds
Here place your hands in my wounds
Now I believe
Better to believe and have Faith rather than wait, have trust
The earth rotates around the Sun
Galileo Galilei should be locked up for heresy
The moon is made of cheese
Neil Armstrong faked it
At least the trains ran on time under Mussolini
It’s all lies about Hitler and the Jews
Assad loves everybody, he gassed nobody,
he’s a  doctor he’d never hurt anybody
Car exhausts never hurt anybody, they are just stupid kids anyway
Smoking is cool, that’s why it’s in all the 1950s films
Radiation does not hurt
Sunshine is good for you, get a tan
Some meds give you great tans as a side effect, so take meds
Eat fat and don’t exercise you won’t have a heart attack
It’s all a lie to punish farmers
Speed does not kill, let people drive as fast as they like
Guns don’t kill, let everybody have a gun and an assault rifle too
Why shouldn’t I have 10,000 rounds of ammo in my house
Why should I lock ammo and guns away separately
The 3 year old deserved to have its face blown off by a 5 year old
It’s my right, there were just stupid toddlers
I can talk on the phone and ignore my kids playing in the kitchen
It’s not my fault I they scald themselves, I warned them once, 3 years ago
Arms races don’t cause wars, selling arms is great  for the economy
Pollution does not kill
Global warming does not exist
Who cares if a few islands in the Pacific disappear,
they are only small anyway
It’s great to have more sunshine
It only snows in the Rockies, it’s great for the skiers anyway
A bit of wind is good, it blows the cobwebs away
Vaccinations are BAD, they make you sick
Measles is no big deal anyway
Bill Gates is a fool wasting all his money on vaccinations for poor countries
Poor Countries don’t matter, what did they do for ME anyway
I could have sold him Manhattan at half the price
Now a commission to prove The Earth is Flat
Will USA finally wake up to the total ARROGANCE of IGNORANCE?
It really is heart breaking that a Fool is in charge of USA
People all say yes, for Power, whatever happened to Love of Country?
The Fool has taken over, and nobody has done anything
Every day is a wasted day
A lie if you repeat it often enough is believed
But rather everybody is deceived
Liar, Liar burn in Fire
Everybody must run to defend the TRUTH and the Planet Itself
So let’s all run BONE SPURRS permitting and Defend Planet Earth
Or are you going to sit it out, while others go to war to save our Home, Earth

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