Saturday, 4 May 2019

Appearances Today

Appearances Today

Appearances Today ©
Michael Casey

My small daughter had a few friends coming around today so I thought I had better smarten up appearance, just for appearances sake. Normally what you see is what you get, but as I had been wearing the same 2 heavy jumpers for a while I thought I’d put them in the wash and replace them with 2 different jumpers. I had been alternating which jumper was on top, to give the appearance of a different look. But finally food and toothpaste on both meant that it really was time to put them in the wash. As I speak they are spinning around the machine, Totoro our cat is getting dizzy trying to follow the garments as they spin around. It’s like when she drunk Lech, Boris, and Gregorgi’s home made vodka thinking it was water, but that’s another story.

As for me with my red outward jumper and my red trousers and my Einstein wild shock of silvery white hair I look like Santa on his long vacation after Christmas. Beardless to avoid being spotted by the kids. Though I must be visible from 200 yards. So an appearance can give an impression or look, a desired look or not, I don’t get many looks of desire. Well apart from that gay bus driver, I’d much rather his sister look at me, now she is nice.

I saw her once race for the bus and jump on, telling him he’d forgotten his lunch box, then she fell against me, so I had to stick out my hand to stop her falling over. Her brother got out the cab and was going to pound me, he is a body builder as well as bus driver. It’s ok bro she said, he’s got nice hands and they are warm.Then she winked and got off the bus, mission accomplished, lunch box delivered. The bus driver calls me old warm hands now, the other passengers raise eyebrows at that. So I always explain, it’s from when I put my hand on his sister’s behind, to stop her falling over. But half the passengers give me filthy looks, her brother thinks it’s so very funny. Then he forgot his lunchbox again, then his sister came bounding on the bus, racing like the wind. Then his sister slipped over and I put my hand out again, this time only higher, her brother braked hard, then we both fell over, and his sister fell on me, putting her hand out. My hand had gone high, hers had gone low. We end on the floor of the bus. Now we understand said the bus full of Pensioners, all laughing. It could have been foreplay but for being on a bus, and all because of a forgotten lunch box, that’s how I met Prostrate Inspection Nurse Irene. It’s strange how things happen.

Yes, appearances can be deceptive. What appears one way can actually be another. Clothes do maketh the man, or woman. However you have to see past the clothes to see the real person. A suit does not denote intelligence, nor titles too. If you listen to words and cannot see, or because it’s radio then the appearance is not there. Just the feeling, just the hopes, the emotion is in all the words, or all the songs. Appearance is what is in the emotion, not in sight. It’s all in the touch, and that is how I became friends with Nurse Irene, I felt her bum, and then I felt her breast, totally accidentally. Then she felt my nuts  totally accidentally and suggested I come to the clinic, and one thing led to another. So now I’m on a hospital ward waiting for my nuts to be examined by total strangers. Whatever they look like, lets hope they have warm hands, while I look at the flowers her brother brought.

translations  below

China BBU-convertedChina BBU-convertedВ поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish Translations아직도 살아있는 2015페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREANMichael Casey The Polish TranslationsPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015polish Guardian AngelThe Polish Translationsshoplife spanishСтраница 1ЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADインドのプリンセスを検索するには – Copyインドのプリンセスを検索するにはページ1 Quick Stories in Japanesebbumar2008-en-zh-cn-150 Spanish Examples50 Spanish ExamplesBBU FrenchBBU GermanJapanese elevator AdvertBBU Russian Translation microsoft word300 وBBU in ArabicBBU in HebrewBBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)The Polish TranslationsKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 201550 Spanish ExamplesBBU FrenchBBU GermanBBU in KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015Spanish BBU
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