Thursday, 21 June 2018

The Greatest Gift is Health

The pain monster hit yesterday after I wrote Choice Words, so I had to go to bed.
Today a good day then suddenly from out of nowhere, which are words from a story I wrote at Primary school nearly 50 years ago, again  suddenly an iron curtain of pain so I had to go to bed again.
It's not fun, but at least tomorrow I can get advice on whether 2 different pain killers could help. If they don't destroy my thought processes and/or are non addictive then I'll give then a try. Otherwise I'll stick to good old paracetamol, remember I have CkD as well so I have to be careful.

So if ever I do make any money from my Words I really would fund a pain relief clinic/hospital. Though that would be a billion to one chance. But if any Russian or other Billionaires are reading this my comedy short stories could help teach English as a 2nd or foreign language.

So much for my dream, I'll probably die unfulfilled, if you ever watch the film Amadeus you see Mozart thrown into a paupers grave. To some readers that may be music to their ears,. See you get Pathos too when you read my stuff, wasn't he one of the Musketeers?

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