Tuesday, 5 June 2018

How are you Feeling Today

How are you Feeling Today? ©
Michael Casey

Today I’m going to talk about “feelings”, obviously as a writer I have no feelings, I just sit on the sidelines observing. You are all so cruel if you think that, you’ve hurt my feelings in fact. Feelings are strange things, what touches one of us has no impact on another. It’s only when we have a connection that we feel things, or feel more connected. We love our mum, so when she is sad we are sad. We love our dog so when the dog is hurt we feel the pain too, especially here in UK, RSPCA and all that.

When we are under the weather or sick we feel bad, and blue, and  when we are well we are in the pink of health. Skin colour can show just how good or bad our health is. I kind of “nursed” a lodger, he had yellow jaundice, so obviously there his skin colour was a giveaway to his health. 50 years ago he was told to stay in bed. So I remember him and still pray for his soul as to me he was almost an uncle.

We show our feelings via hugs and kisses, we kiss our children and stroke their hair. If we only kiss our dog and stroke the cat then I’d say your priorities are wrong, sadly there are some who’d care more for the pet and ignore the kids. And the converse the cat never gets fed and starves to death, and when the RSPCA comes the pet owner protests they love their animal. They love them so much they do not feed them.

Feelings can be hurt, and things can fester, because people do not show or notice others feeling. Bull in china shop or Donald Trump springs to mind, ask any Politician world wide and they will agree. Sorry for the pause in the writing, I’m not ignoring you, I just had to pooh. Ok, I’m lying it was a cheap rhyme, what’s the crime, ok enough of giving you the hump, I was just giving my balls to Trump. He’s playing pitch and putt on my back lawn. I don’t want to hurt his feelings after all, he had so much misspent power after all. Maybe he’ll feel better after Singapore.

You have to make allowances for people and their feelings, do show some consideration, prove you care. You don’t even have to do anything, just be there and sit there when your granddad’s mind is nearly gone, you sit and talk like a babbling brook, because you care and because you love him. You haven’t got fancy words and phrases like your flash cousin, but granddad looks past him to see have you arrived. His eyes light up because he can feel the love, though other days he can hardly recognise you.

Your cousin boasts about the nice things he has given granddad, all things and not enough love. You gave granddad a Mickey Mouse watch because it amused him. Your cousin swopped it for his Rolex. But the next time he visited, granddad was wearing Mickey Mouse and the Rolex was in the jar with his false teeth.

Feelings can be hurt and feeling can be mended, its only Pride that gets in the way, you say sorry first that kind of thing. We’ve all been that, that’s what makes us human, we have feelings.


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