Saturday, 1 April 2023

Singing in the Bath

Singing in the Bath

horrible Tinittus night again

Got up and went back to bed again

Tinnitus screaming

My Mattress arrived, 25Kilo

I thought it would be 17kilo

Have to get rid of the old one still

The Heart Charity is coming to collect

Its all in a thick cover and was too hard

But lately my back hurt

So replace it

But how they get it  out of the house i do not know

The new one as in the picture is all compressed

you unbox then it expands

There would be no room inside for a model and 2 dogs

see picture on previous post

I sung very loudly in the bath

Barry White playing on an old phone

I ad libbed just like my writing

Santa was stuck up the chimney too

Since Christmas, now Rudolf who'd been wheel clamped on the sleigh

and taken away to the dog pound, was going to collect him and take

Santa back to the North Pole just in time for the Easter egg hunt

So that's the start of my dad

My small daughter came home like a thief in the night

On the late and cheap train from University

She got a First for her essay on Diversity in  Anthropology

So I'm pleased

The other daughter is on the last lap of her Finals in Bio Chem

So anybody who wants a Scientific Writer, let me know

I may buy a Lottery to see if I'm the Fool that Wins

And yes Pray for end to war in Ukraine

and that the Fools who support Trump

Finally see reason

and a Joke

How do you recognise a Golfer

By the Dimples on his balls

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...