Saturday, 15 April 2023

good sleep then white knuckle ride

good sleep then white knuckle ride

well my new mattress and duvet worked

had great sleep, 2 hour slots

but since before 8 am, its 10am now

white knuckle ride of Tinnitus noise

MOST of you would have poohed your pants by now

or worse

Tinnitus is a curse

If you are arrogant enough to contest what I say


stand under your smoke alarm and tell me how long YOU last

20 mins tops for the strongest amongst you maybe

but 5 for the vast majority

So imagine 3 hours till it fades to a bearable noise

NO I'm not exaggerating 

Then it can be triggered back up again

So you lash yourself to a Rosary

Or curl up in bed with some nice music on

When YOU take the Fire Alarm test

THEN I'll listen to you

And no its NOT a Tik Tok challenge either

Meanwhile Trump and MTG test me too

HOW can anybody even the company cat believe all their LIES

30,000 was the Tally for Trump 

everybody should interrupt him

HE's just a vain old man

Nobody would give him a second over here in UK

Flim Flam man

He is a World Champion at ONE thing

That's BS, or Salemanship to the Intellectually Challenged

GOP are so corrupt now, all because of HIM

Of course he'd end the war in Ukraine in a day

Only there would not be ANY Planet left

So maybe saying the Rosary or Holy Muslim prayers

and Prayers of any kind is the SOLUTION

If you all had my Tinnitus for a day

Then you'd soon change your ways

Not forgetting all my other stuff

Or maybe is my Writing Torture Enough for YOU

Discuss as you sit and pooh, Thinking or Stinking dump like TRUMPet

my hippy bed, NOT, more like Boris's maybe...

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...