Sunday, 16 April 2023

Money Tree Cutting

Money Tree Cutting

the plant beside me is a money tree so I'm told

So I've taken a couple of cuttings and see If I can grow them in pots outside

If it works I may have cash growing like leaves

Money Grows on Trees after all

then I'd pay of my student daughters debt

Meanwhile Tinnitus is killing me

Feel as if I may black out

Welcome to my World

Jim Reeves playing earlier too

So I'll finish and watch Kinky Boots on TV

from 2005 or so

Maybe I'll dress in drag later and put my kinky boots on

SpringTime for Hitler from the Producers film

Todays world Putin goosesteps over everybody

So somebody please cook his goose

that's it for today

no not. money tree , I just cross pollinated another plant

Stay Happy Always and remember ALL things pass, Putin and Trump will not last

 Teach your daughters to FLY

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Missed a day 9/3/25

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