Monday, 24 April 2023

Off the chart Tinnitus and Pain yet again

Off the chart Tinnitus and Pain yet again

so all prayers welcome

If you ring me up, you'll get a mouthful too

So be Kind


Thanks to Online TV Mass too

Canada is nice, that's how I know them

That's it for today

I need a haircut its 3 months since I was in the Kurdish barber shop

My hair grows like Japanese knotweed

In one month it'll all be over

One daughter Finals and the smaller one

End of First year

I hope I win the Lottery to help them

along the way

That's all

Tinnitus is a curse

and the regular chronic pain

is not much fun either

10 years ago when we were in Malta

that's when all the pains started

and the rest you know if you have read 

the 4200+ pieces right here

Kdramas are my escape

I've had far too many other dramas

that I'd never want any of you to share

And YES, keep of Praying

Russia is defeated and its EVils  rolled back

Seems like the Russian People have sold 

their Soul to Putin


3000 words by morning

i've written 3,000,000 words maybe

If you add everything up

But there is just one word for Russia






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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...