Friday, 21 April 2023

Let The Sun Shine Again

well I watched last episode of Picard

enjoyed it, they all look so old now

I also watched a bit more of Kdrama Mad Dog

so now a break from tv

and see if I can get in the groove to write this

Normally a Poem is Dominos falling

so with the taste of Camembert in my mouth

here's what falls out, as Taylor Swift sings to me

Let The Sun Shine Again (c)

By Michael Casey

Let the sun shine again

Let the pain fade away

Let the tears dry up

Let the hair be combed again

Let the lipstick be applied again

Let the smiles reign again

Let the eyes sparkle again

Let the breathing be normal again

Let the singing begin again

Let the footsteps have a bounce again

Let the pace become faster

Let the joy inside come out again

Let the dancing begin again

Let the laugher ring out again

Let the hugging and then the kissing begin again

Let the hearts beat faster

Let the love rule again

Let the Future hold no fear again

Let the Promise be over the horizon

Let the Fear be banished again

Let the Fear be totally and utterly gone again

Let there be Love in our hearts again

Happiness and Joy and Laughter and Dancing

Singing too

Don't be afraid to  let Love reign again

The Past is Over

We are in the Present

The Future is ours again

Let the Sun Shine on Us again

All of Us everywhere, in the world

Whatever we do, whatever we want

We can have it back

Because we are not Afraid anymore

There is Love out there

Just don't be afraid to grasp it

Let the sun shine in your hearts again

For Evil will pass, and only Love is Left

Ask Sancho Panza, I read it on Google

only the other day

And 50 years ago I was Christened Sancho Panza

by one of our Priests

So I am Sancho Panza, and Michael Casey too

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND

and my. message to all of you all over the world and in multiple languages 

is just this

Let the Sun Shine Again

and never never never allow Evil to freeze your heart

for in the Sunshine everything GROWS

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