Thursday, 13 April 2023

Happy Birthday Lodger

Happy Birthday Lodger

today 13th April would have been the Birthday of an old lodger of ours

I nursed him, ok just handed him a few things when he had Jaundice

He have me my first watch for passing the 11 plus

He gave me a school briefcase

did not tell us

but embassy coupons with compliments sticker gave the game away

he was me sponsor for Confirmation too

I was first to hear when he died

2 Policemen came to the door

we sent his body back to Ireland

This was 1980

so 43 years later I am remembering him

I have lived longer than he did

I stumbled over Jim Reeves on my music today

He used to play it in a Sunday with his windows down

I knew him for the first 20 years of my life

So I hope you ALL remember your own family 43 years later

I nearly missed 2 days wit Pain and NOISE from Tinnitus

Stormy weather affects my Tinnitus ears badly

Thanks to Korea for reading me, while I was hiding

from pain and noise

So really my Korean dream of a typist and more

Is sadly but a dream, as pain and noise descends and tries to kill me

and exactly how appealing is that

BUT at least I've got a new mattress and duvet now

So as  I listen to music through the night I do sleep a bit better

Though when I awake its 3 hours of Torture from Noise

Before Tinnitus calms

These words don't write themselves

20 years Listening to BBC Radio 4, then a year of Practice

so on Leap Years Day 29 Feb 1988

That's when I qualified as a Writer

Now 35 years experience.  Writer's Eye and all that

I'm  not a copy writer nor an influencer

what you see is what you get

But I do hope you agree it's well written

and not by AI just by ME

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND

And GOP when will you finally wake up

Or will you let a FOOL lead you again, this time the Revenge of Trump

As for the rest of you Pray the Rosary, or whatever form of Prayer you USE

Because Evil from Putin must be stopped

And the Pages of History must be turned on him

And on the clown called Trump too

See proof I'm a great dad, 2 daughters so far

Though if there is a Miracle, and I find a typist+

I'd have 4 sons, Mathew,  Mark, Luke and John

I am a writer after all,

Will YOU remember me in 43 years time?

or have I gone ready like a rasping FART

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...