Thursday, 21 July 2022

wednesday was a pain and hiss day

wednesday was a pain and hiss day

the tinnitus did not calm down at all after I woke up after my last slot of sleep

The 2 day heat wave was too much for me

walked around the house in my pants

like an overgrown baby

today , its 00.20 on thursday now

so wednesday just gone

was cooler but the hiss would drive you mad

if the russians invading heard my tinnitus all day

they would surrender or shoot each other and run back home

add my regular pain on top

not fun at all

I'm not belittling ukraine either

anyway a MRI soon, so let's see what that says

in a month the A level results are out

meanwhile my small daughter is  trying to get a holiday job

while my biochemist bigger daughter is revising for something else

Me,  I need a speed typist then i could dictate to her

as tinnitus is a curse as what you see on this page 

is the best I can do with tinnitus howling

Though you may all say thank God for that


I need to stop now as its late or early

so whoever you are in Korea or France my regular readers 

Hello and thank you

I stumbled on a new Kdrama about a corner shop

and a very pretty shop worker and Kung Fu girl

the boy in it looks like somebody from a Yoona Kdrama 

from years ago


find SHOPLIFE on my websites and enjoy it

it could have changed my life back in 1989 when it was  accepteed but

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...