Friday, 15 July 2022

American Spike last night

American Spike last night

have you all suddenly taken up reading

or have you got nothing better to do

Sad day for the Czech speaking Trump kids

to lose a mum at any age is sad

I nearly lost both parents 8 weeks apart

but luckily dad survived and eventually I got a family

read Padre Pio and Me online for details

I had an idea for a poem but did not put it down

Tinnitus and Pain and so one

MRI soon may help, I'll wait and see

Anyway I used the idea instead in my almost daily emails

to Russia, a form of Chinese water torture

in the vain hope I can change one mind

and help stop are the murdering

Sadly I think only a Road to Damascus even will change then

the war ended in 1945 but it Russia they have carried on

Anyway here's a snatch of it

Collect my Tears in a Thimble (c)

by Michael Casey

Collect my tears in a thimble

Collect my tears in a bucket

Collect my tears in a bath

Collect my tears in a pool

Collect my tears in a sea

Collect my tears in an ocean

Collect my tears till they are higher than a mountain

Collect my tears till they reach to the sky

Collect my tears till they touch the moon

Collect my tears till they reach to the stars

And Then 

And Then

Mother Mary answer me

Pray the Rosary

Then all the tears will come crashing  down from Heaven

And wipe the stain of Putin's War from the Face of History

The Map will change Forever

Putin's Evil will be washed away

And Russia will be rendered harmless

Russia will disarm permanently

The Stain, The Horror, all the Lies

Will be cleansed by Holy Water

That came crashing down from from the Heavens

to Wash the Kremlin away forever

So Pray the Rosary

In the End the Victory in Certain

By Pray that it comes Today

So many Lives Lost and for what

One man's Vanity

Humility is the Way

After all Jesus died on a cross

Love thy Neighbour

Was all he had to say

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...