Saturday, 9 July 2022

a couple of peaks today

a couple of peaks today

so hello USA and UK

why were you not is bed sleeping

Hope you are having fun

Life is about Carrying ON

google Carry On films for entertainment too

I had an idea for something today

as my small daughter was talking to me via wattsapp from the kitchen

How I Will Remember Dad will be the title

as she spoke the ideas came to me

I'm also telling her when she does Anthropology at University

a very very fancy one

Make is READABLE and add a few laughs

She used to be a great writer until Serious A Level essays got in the way

As I typed Writer the word Writer was sung to be by Harvey Andrews

that used to happen frequently

Though I tend to bullet point lately as TINNITUS gets in the way

I had one scan, and two more should be in the pipeline

As pulses of convulsions are no fun, on top of Tinnitus and headaches

SOUND activates them too

BUT as I discovered in Hospital, many many more needing care for their illnesses

so that's all for now

I still dream of my speed typist

BUT not anybody will do I have to like her

and she would have to tolerate me

My head is singing like an anvil

Old Forge and Singing Anvil like in The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker maybe

my dad was a Blacksmith in Rathmore County Kerry

so that makes me a SOB , but you knew that already


made by a real man of Steel, 

Stalin can kiss my fat hairy backside, and Putin too

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...