Sunday, 3 July 2022

sunday 3rd July 2022

sunday 3rd July 2022

well Tinnitus like an anvil being struck, with needles shaking too

at FULL volume

So I got up for an early breakfast

and will go back to bed later

for a couple more slots

90mins to 2 hours then I awake for bathroom

and the Tinnitus kicks off loudly again

finally when I'm brave enough  I get up

to face down the noise, which takes an hour to subside

or even more

then it can be triggered again by an extractor fan

a merry go round of noise

Sadly we had bad news too, from Ireland one of our cousins died

In memory they are much younger

We have not been back for over 26 years now

when own mum and dad did the grand tour

we are the youngest of all the cousins, as far as the Casey Clan is concerned

dad was one of 10, mum was one of 7, but poor Timothy died of rickets aged 7

so basic maths there are a lot of first cousins, hence Clan is the right word

Pain has decided to kick off now

so I'll stop and slap on the pain killer gel

I missed a pain investigation twice

because my Tinnitus was so bad, i couldn't make the appointment

such is life and PAIN

so this is my real life

so can do without jokers from afar sending me rubbish

i can swear like a furnaceman and far far worse

so don't annoy me, and I delete unread even faster

I hope you do enjoy all the stories, the likes of this

do not appear as I compile my books as I go along

Korea still likes me, as does a random French person

so hello to both of you

Next I'll get a random email saying they are undercover in Syria

Just don't bother

next big date is 20 August, results day for A levels

then we'll find where small daughter will be off to

A couple of fancy Universities are top of the list

now I must stop as the pain in my shoulder is spreading

and I'll be screaming next, I was already in bed that's one reason I got up

so you can all say a prayer for me, and a bigger one for Ukraine

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...