Sunday, 31 July 2022

My Soul Is.

My Soul Is ©

By Michael Casey

My Soul is many things

My Soul is empty, lacking in Love

My Soul is drifting, looking  for a harbour

My Soul is rocked by emptiness, and echoing sadness

My Soul is led astray by empty promises

My Soul is rudderless, drifting and rocking

My Soul is nowhere, about to fall off the end of the world

My Soul is in the dark, in the shadows

My Soul is cast adrift, without direction

My Soul is maybe damned

Then I remember my long dead mother

Just keep on praying, even if you don’t know what you are saying

My Soul hears a tiny tiny voice

My Soul sees a tiny tiny light

My Soul feels a tiny tiny breeze

My Soul catches a warmth coming from nowhere

My Soul is drawn towards something better

My Soul begins to beat stronger

My Soul  my mood lifts

My Soul finds a direction

My Soul begins to hum like a humming bird

My Soul is no longer in the twilight any more

My Soul moves into the light

My Soul sings and smiles

My Soul is free

My Soul feels no more burdens

My Soul is like a dance, moving forward

My Soul is singing and dancing in a field

My Soul is no longer constricted or restricted

My Soul is an acrobat freewheeling without a net

My Soul is doubly free

My Soul My Soul is part of Hope again

My Soul My Soul is part of Love again

My Soul  My Soul is full of Grace

So keep on praying, the Angels are always there

Even if you think all is Lost

My Soul is part of One Soul

Put your Soul back into the Mosaic that is God

For though we are Single we are still part of One

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...