Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Welcome Russia Read Me and STOP killing all your Neighbours

 Why is Russia NOT as rich as Korea or Japan or Germany

All 3 battered and ruined by History

1945 the WAR ENDED

But not in Russia, it continued in peoples Minds

Corrupted by Politicians

Some say Stalin killed 20,000,000 Russians too

So WAKE UP and Throw away the Past and look to the Future

The world is on the Brink again TODAY

Putin's insane attack on your own family, Ukrainians


Trust the Fridge not the TV

and all this talk of Nuclear Weapons

The Entire world dies

Don't be MORONS, we are in a sealed Globe

Like a FART in a spacesuit, NO ESCAPE

If you are reading m books THEN

what have you discovered already

Its about FAMILY

Love and Laughter, lots of Laugher

NOT attacking neighbours

NOR stealing the Harvest

NOR stealing the Combine Harvesters

So are all Russians Corrupt?

OR just the leaders

Just some of the Priests even

For Fear of the Leader

Look at the FRIDGE not the TV

Why has all the Wealth been spent on the Military

How many Hospitals, How many Schools have been built

How many Lies and Drug induced Gold Medals

Where are the new schools

Where are the new hospitals

Where are the new roads

Where are the New People

Nobody wants to breed even in Putin's Russia

The Population is Static


Because Love has been declared DEAD in Putin's Russia

The Cream has been skilled off

To feed the Fat Cats

While the Normal Russians freeze in leaky appartments


Because of an unneeded unwanted ARMS RACE to HELL

If the Money was shared and used for the People

For Ordinary People, then Mother Russia would be Blooming

Mother Russia's breasts would be full of milk

But there is no  Love left in Moscow

a Tyrant, a "LEADER" on the throne

The Czars were removed 100 years ago

But they were replaced by Pagan Ideology 

That is still the same despite the Window Dressing

So Russia its time to Grow Up, and think for yourselves

Judge by the actions

Look around your street, your neighbourhood 

Is it better after 100 years Lenin, Stalin and now Putin

Then look at your Fridge not the TV

Then what do you think you should do

Start all over again

would be a nice beginning, from the Foundations

Repare Mi Casa as Saint Francis was told 1000 years ago

Or are Russians  ONLY able to destroy like in UKRAINE

CHANGE starts with on small step, one giant Leap for a new Russia

Put Putin in the DUSTBIN of History

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Michael Casey is Sancho Panza. the Spanish Collection

Michael Casey is Sancho Panza, Spanish Translations

Spanish Collection 1 million Palabras (words) plus

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from. Birmingham England

Sancho Panza is what the priest called me 50 years ago

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from. Birmingham England

Sancho Panza is what the priest called me 50 years ago

do I look like my mum in. Blue above?

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...