Friday, 28 January 2022

If I were(c) by Michael Casey

 I've been on the sofa chilling as the tv was claimed by somebody else

So I woke up I suppose I was asleep, anyway dashed to the bathroom

But this is in my head, despite the SCREAMING from Tinnitus

If I were (c) 


Michael Casey

If I were Black  would you                              hate me

If I were White would you                              hate me too

If I were Straight would you                           hate me

If I were Gay        would you.                          hate me too

If I were a Christian would you                        hate me

If I were a Jew.          would you                       hate me too

If I were a Muslim     would you                       hate me

If I were of No Faith   would you                      hate me too

If I was Right             would you                      hate me

If I were Left              would you                      hate me too

If I was Political          would you                     hate me

If I was total UNPolitical   would you              hate me too          

If I was a Prude           would you                    hate me                    

If I was a Nudist.         would you                    hate me too

And If I were battered and bleeding in the gutter would you be a Good Samaritan

And if I were Jesus, would you Crucify me again


 Love is Always Better than Hate

And despite the Tinnitus screaming in my head constantly

I beg Mary to ask her Son Jesus, Bring Peace on Earth Again


Mary and Baby Jesus, they see no boundaries, they Love EveryOne

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...