Tuesday, 18 January 2022

The Trouble with School

The Trouble with School

well I've been wired up to a heart monitor for 24 hours

so I stink

Yes, I know you all think that already

I have to hand it back soon

But I was just trawling the news

and schools in USA popped up

They are battlegrounds over there

They should not be

Kids are there to learn

They should be exposed to lots of different things

Not just have blinkers on, and staying in their own reality

You should learn about other Faiths

My own small daughter was called a "little Muslim"

because she studied  hard and knew more than her Muslim friends

She is a Choir singing Christian by the way

History needs to be taught too

And yes History is written by the Winners

But it does no harm to explain about the other point of view

But sadly in USA, people just love to shout

And not listen to anybody

Tact and Patience and not allowed

Just a mob and shouting crowd

And that's parents at the school door

The pendulum has swung, and far too much too

Everybody's point of view should be heard

otherwise you are clutching your rifle and bible

and nobody and nothing will change your mind

Its good to have a faith, and hunting for meat is needed

But using Faith any Faith as a weapon

Is just as bad as guns in a schools

But sadly in USA, It's my right holds far too much sway

What about it's my DUTY

You should be nice to everybody, especially at school

Tolerance  and Patience should be the norm

From the teachers to the kids

And from the kids to each other

You never know you might actually discover

Just how much you have in common

And if you wore another skin for a day

You'd soon see what rubbish other Races and Creeds

have to put up with

So expand your mind, and not just your fat backside

and realise though you are in the same class

at school, some folks are treated as second class

And if you were them , like the Augustinian way

you'd soon be complaining 

even more loudly than them

So open your heart, and learn a little

then maybe you'd want your friends

to be treated exactly like you

I speak for myself, though there are 4 teachers in my family alone,

if you count my year of Esol teaching, and as for Different Cultures

my kids are Birmingham/Shanghai Bilingual daughters

and one of the hopes to do Anthropology at University

We are all different but we share a common humanity

and that should never be ignored

Otherwise we become cannibals just killing and eating one another

And I'm sure any God does not want that

my last ever holiday Malta April 2013

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...