Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Random Thoughts

 Random Thoughts

All Political Lives End in Failure... . Enoch Powell quote

Churchill beat Hitler, then the voters threw him out

Russian lost 40,000,000 Souls to Hitler but do folks in USA know that

The Jan 6th attack on the Capital, was mainly richer folks

not a poor grass roots rebellion

Why do folks believe anything a liar like TRUMP days

Boris in UK nearly died of Covid, yet partied on

Boris and his team saved UK from Covid

Yet he'll be shown the door soon

The EU was proven to be rubbish as far as Covid went

So UK was so lucky to have such clever scientists here

Some immigrants and children of immigrants

So is UK best place to work rest and play

Is a jilted lover, or Political adviser worse

Is UK system better than USA's

Over here we generally get on

As we celebrate everything and everybody

Without putting walls up everywhere

Why are USA folks so fickle

Is the USA attention span shorter than a Goldfish's 

Does USA's I want it yesterday attitude 

Destroy thought and reason

Why do people play old tapes

Saying this, or that

When in a dynamic situation you have to think fast

And CHANGE your Mind and Actions

As a hotel worker, I had to save children from danger

In revolving doors, by sprinting and being a good parent

My own kids were toddlers 20 years ago

Because people don't pay attention

They are too busy talking or looking at their phones

Is a slower pace a better pace

So Wisdom is allowed out

Or has Twitter killed the birds

and let the cat out

In these covid times, we had to be quick, or as quick as we could be

History will judge everybody

Not Newspapers, that are the first draft of History

and used to be tomorrow's Fish and Chip wrappers

So what is the answer to all this

Don't be on Twitter nor Instagram or Facebook

Just write thoughtfully and put it on a website maybe?

All I do know is that, a Life without Pain

Is the greatest gift anybody can have

A life without the Scream of Media

is great too

Or an end to my own Tinnitus would be nice as well

As Civil War in USA continues

Little wonder Putin, thinks Yanks are weak

Certainly stupid if they believe anything Trump says

So in the end all we have are our Prayers

So wherever you are, wherever you may be

Pray for Peace on Earth and Sanity

Or do you want 2,000,000,000 to die

In some accidental war, or the next Covid69 on the Horizon

Man has Free Will, it's all a question of choice

So fight for your right to VOTE and Choose

and throw out the Political Class

Especially all the LIARS

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...