Friday, 7 January 2022

Today was horrible

 Today was horrible


Because you are reading more of this rubbish

You are all so cruel

You can read the TRUTH in February

God help US

A Liar is a Liar is a Liar. PERIOD as you say in USA

I Pray it all explodes in his face, he is a DISGRACE

Like an addict watching TV while the Capital was attacked

Love of Money is root of all EVIL

Case Proven

Anyway too much of his IGNORANCE

A Madman was elected to the White House

And 4 years was spent making sure he did not set fire to the HOUSE

Instead he fumbled with the REMOTE and even Ignored Ivanka


No wonder Putin is laughing this Orthodox Christmas Day

Anyway back to me

The shoulder pain and the headaches and the back pain 

all descended Simultaneously with Buddy Rich and Ginger Baker

both on acid in my head with Tinnitus

As the food was delivered, thank God for that girl who put in

in my hall for me

I had to lie down and couldn't even put it away

90 mins later it got done

Which brings me to yellow mustard, the American kind

It tastes so weak, French or English is far far better

And I tried the American style hot dogs too

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Though I do need to lose a lot

I weigh nearly as much as Mike Pompeo 

He'll run later, once Trump pleads INSANITY

to avoid Jail time

Though Robert Maxwell after he STOLE the Mirror Newspaper 

Pension Fund, just slipped away 

I've had a lie down to let the pain killers work

They did, but when I awoke

The Tinnitus is at a very high pitch

So I've had to wait for that to calm down

I still have not shaved as I cannot stand long enough to do so

My back/hips hurt, a reoccurring injury from 2008 or so

So I look very scruffy, like a very bad Santa

Or Country and Western singer

In the morning I have a heart exam, with gelly on my chest

An Ultrasound to see what's within

I have to hope the DIN in my head subsides as I lay on my side

Just picture it, me a centerfold covered in gel, SOOO SEXY

Draw your own cartoon then Vomit

I do hope and Pray there is Peace in the World

It's so depressing all the EVIL everywhere

but in Japanese poetry  I believe small sentences

have great great meaning

Slowly Slow Climb Mount Fuji

Or a tiny prayer can become a Tsunami of LOVE


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...