Sunday, 2 January 2022

Iceland finally finds me, or you going to dip me in a thermal bath

 Iceland finally finds me, or are you going to dip me in a thermal bath

Sunday 2nd Jan 2022 this is me a couple of days ago

in dire need of a shave

I HATE posey photos, I just get my girls to take a quick snap and I use that

So you can see just who is this fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

ENGLAND by the way, not USA

You are here for the writing, not just my Sumo looks

I do smarten up occasionally 

Otherwise what you see is what you get, as Derek Willins once said

My back is improving, I have a series of Hospital appointments for my heart +

So I will S_-< , Shower and Shave for them

5 of them, having a weekend in hospital, started a cascade

Not unless they just enjoy my company

It is FREE in UK, that's why we pay taxes

I did not realise I was so heavy, 127 kilos

I do have very strong legs

Due to lockdown and toast with Totoro in middle of night

due to Tinnitus I got heavier

Though I am sleeping better now

But every time I awake its Force Ten from Navarone 

takes an hour for my head to calm down, yes really

113kilos was my out of hospital weight, post Quadruple Heart bypass

tomorrow 3rd Jan, is 7 years since I went in

The doctors had an OH GOSH moment, kept me in

Tests at Dudley Rd, Then Xfer to Queen Elizabeth

13 Jan 2015 had my  UNplanned Heart Bypass, planned as Triple

but 6 months later i was told I had 4 Grafts

So 7 years extra time

That's why Still Alive 2015 is the title of one book

And the rest followed on

Though some of you may wish I'd died

You are so cruel

I may put you in a story

Or maybe Hollywood thinks my stuff is rubbish

But a film about a loser like me, would be funny


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...