Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Kazakhstan reading me again on Wordpress. here's 11 books to read in RUSSIAN too

Kazakhstan reading me again on Wordpress

Unintended consequence of recent unrest

Promise to help the people and share the wealth

So back in Russia people will say why cannot they do it here?

Keeping Up with the neighbours

Just as 20 years ago in UK, Tony Blair introduced 

Child Tax credit which helped those on a low income

And Biden wants to do something similar

So please Mother Russia

Nobody wants to invade you

People want their own dignity and freedom

Russian engineers and ideas can help save the Planet

All this Militarism EVERYWHERE is of no use

to anybody

Put the soldiers to work via Engineering works

To save Mother Russia

My gun is so big, is for CHILDREN

and arms dealers coining it in

Just as Nobel used to be 100 years ago

Let Mother Mary have a chance to bring PEACE

for everybody

Let each have a share according to need

Or is that too Christian, too Human

Everybody Sing, Ave Maria

BBU Russian Translation microsoft wordDownload

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...