Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Flu Jab the final prick in my arm

Flu Jab the final prick in my arm

well I took the heart monitor back

Then I had the regular Flu jab

so that was the 4th prick in my arm

I also collected my winnings from the Lottery

5 quid and a free go

If I win enough I'd pay my daughters University fees

and buy a big house for them to inherit

see link


or if you are a fan of mine you could buy it for me

Though that'll not happen

Not unless a Korean Lady likes my writing

and wants to have 4 children with me and form a Kpop band

so long as she can speed type in English

THough that is more like a bucket wish list

And I'm close enough to the bucket already

Though you too might be reaching for a bucket

at the very thought of it

So I'll leave you all pondering while I have a wash and shave

You can't have a wash while the monitor is attached to your heart

The house by the way has been dropped 20% in 2 years its been on sale

They were asking way too much

You'd probably have to spend 100k on it to refurb it

If  they put half their stuff into storage a year ago it would have sold then

Speaking as an experienced watcher of property

It took us 3 years to find and then finally move in our present home

6 months mabe from BUY and then vacated and then Updated

And thanks to Polish Carol and all the many workers

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...