Thursday, 30 December 2021

Mother Russia having a read again

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Mother Russia having a read again

 Mother Russia having a read again

Thank you one and all

This new year, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to ALL men

I checked, because you follow a different Calendar 

Christmas for you has not yet arrived

So forgive my ignorance

Just as in the WEST the average person does not know

40,000,000 souls were lost in Mother Russia

putting  down Nazi filth

USA lost 400,000 in WWII

a ratio of 1 to 100

Which might explain History a bit to them

Moving on to today

Nobody wants to invade Mother Russia

two fools tried, Napoleon and Hitler

So can a make a heart felt plea

Mother Russia turn away from this insanity and posturing

100,000 plus on Ukraines border

For What?

The world need Russian engineering and  durability 

to help save the Planet

Global Warming is true

Just as Corruption in Russia is true

Look at the Fridge not the TV

What does that tell you

Where has all the Russian wealth gone

Billionaires in London

Russia need to look internally 

And root out the thieves

Parading as saviours and pretending to be holy

If Mother Mary Queen of Russia were to appear

If all the icons in all the churches and holy places

and Bank Vaults too  were suddenly

To cry tears of blood what would it say to you

Mother Russia must return  to its roots

Stop the imaginary wars, to keep Politicians in Power

While the corruption continues

What is needed is a Revolution in the Heart

Look to you hearts Mother Russia

Heed the tears of blood falling

It is time to rebuild the country from within

One heart at a time

Renew the heart of Mother Russia

Fill the fridge and switch off nonsense on the tv

One heart at a time rebuild and renew Mother Russia

Nobody wants to attack you

Nobody wants to steal you lands

Use the strength is Mother Russia

for the people of Mother Russia

Use the resources and brains of Mother Russia to rebuild it

Repare mi Casa were words spoken to Saint Francis

Mother Russia needs to look inwardly, and change from within

Or do we have a war by mistake

What For? To destroy?

No wonder tears of blood are falling

from the icons of Virgin of Mary all over Mother Russia

As Mary said, make me an instrument of your Peace

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