Sunday, 26 December 2021

in bed at Xmas

bad back and Tinnitus explosion , SO

in bed at Xmas, 

no I wasn't copying John Lennon

No Yoko Ono with me

though Japan is reading a lot lately 

So maybe my Ono will turn up

we have 4 babies and start a Jpop family

But that idea is even more far fetched than my others

it could be somebody pretending to be in Japan

I'm no Prince, I am very common 

Would a Japanese Princess want me?

I can hear you all laughing all the way from

Nagasaki, where the Jesuits first landed

Put Barry White on

YOU cannot beat a bit of Barry

So I thank JAPAN for finding me

Japanese Translations of a few books on my Wordpress

BUT you are clever so you'll Translate everything yourself

MY daughters and our Taiwan guest ended up playing

Monopoly on the living room carpet

We still don't really understand what MA in Chemical Engineer means

It's beyond me, but she is very clever obviously

And Totoro our cat liked her, did not run away

So that's all for today, pain killer is calling me

Enjoy discovering me  is my email

That billionaire did not send me that clock

I was too cheeky

Maybe he'll just invest in my stories

Stay happy Always

Michael Casey

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...