Sunday, 26 April 2020

Typos and all that

Typos and all that

Yes there are a few as I type very fast, and I don't  rewrite

42 years a typist now, my handwriting though is like a spider on acid

I sit I think I write I post I secure

and that takes 1 hour to write/talk to you  then 30 mins for security and posting

when I have 100+ stories I collate and you get a book.

If you've followed me you might think one thing and then another

Such as I had a triple bypass, and its states that in some places

read bio in side bar

However 6 months after I had it I was told 4 grafts hence QUADRUPLE,

prior to Op I told them to tell me nothing or I'd  puke, I awoke saying I'm still


so if you dip in one place you read one thing but later you see another

So some may think incorrectly I'm a Liar, hence the photos of my chest

or I might just be trying to entice that Korean speed typist to come and type

and then fall in love and have 4 kids and form a Kpop band or martial arts school

Maybe the Dear Leader's sister in North Korea jumps ship and ends up here in

Birmingham with Yoona too, so they fight over me.

Perfect Kdrama story in itself.

Love of stories is international, though some may say the Irish do it best, and my

parents are from County Kerry Ireland after all

So enjoy all 1,600,000 words I've achieved so far, it's great for my spirits to see

80 countries all over the world reading me, and up to 10 different languages on

the same day. So a heartfelt thank you. I'd still like to be rewarded, if only so I

can share the treasure, but having Covid19 disappear is the greatest treasure the

entire world wants.

Besides like I said maybe only foreigners like me, so why should they spend

 money on my Original English.

It's nice too when I spot an old story being read, so I reread it and sometimes it

really touches me because I'd forgotten that story. I'm intrigued too why it

appeals in whatever country is reading it. My comedy drama novel,

all 600 pages of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker seems to work

anywhere, so that's nice. And just in case you are a Muslim reading this tonight

remember to pray for me at least once when you pray 5 times a day, as I used to

ask my students when I taught at an Islamic school

So I'll go to bed now, live laugh and pray to all of you

God is Good, as my catholic mother always used to say


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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...