Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Heads up to Shakespeare and Vampires


has a spattering of my Audio, somebody has clicked on it

So I've added  some stuff to listen to  BUT

It's on my Typepad in full 12 hours of my voice

 reading  200 of my stories


Anyway the kids are watching The Originals on tv

so it's given me an idea for the morning

and yes I am just a Falstaff of a person pretending

to be the man himself, Good Will but not Hunting

sleep tight and I hope your Tinnitus is not as bad as mine

while I'm awake in the night I read all the USA press

and how folks don't shout Trump down for being such a liar

or just plain switch it off, I just cannot believe it

Maybe the UFOs whose videos we have released tonight

will come and save the world, perhaps they are The Good Samaritans

there's a thought for you all, though Trump would never know because

he never reads the Presidential Briefing notes

McMasters and the Monk all "gave up" and went off to write books

Now there is nobody minding the store, just a new chief of staff

who sits in the corner crying , as an ignorant man,

brings a nation to its knees

UFOs wherever you are, forget about the Russia tapes,

if you are listening, just abduct the Donald

as the entire world is a sitting Duck with him

the only clown in town

Non, je ne regrete rien, can be heard in the distance

sung by....

  and PAX on the old back door means PEACE

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...