Saturday, 18 April 2020

In with the New + Translations Galore

In with the New + Translations Galore

In with the New © 
Michael Casey 

Well a well-wisher delivered something to the house, ok it was a bag of frozen food, which I could not get when I had my delivery slot from one of the food companies. In return I donated an old android phone, a very basic one, but it had credit on, as well as my entire collection of CDs from the 1990s which I had loaded up to the phone. 

So I’m all exposed, or rather my record collection is, the WW which is short for well-wisher, will now be grooving to Barry White as they discover what kind of music I liked back in the 1990s, beside Barry that is. A bit of Barry does go a long way after all, and there is a lot of him. So my technophobe WW will now be able to talk to us, and see us in the flesh too. I did not delete my phone contacts either, so they will be wondering just who I know and why. Your phone has all your secrets too, that’s why we have passwords on it. 

How would you feel if your grannie got hold of your phone? And looked at all of those photos? I only use my phone for Music mainly during my night time Tinnitus time, so I don’t have 1000s of selfies of me and that girl/boy/horse/or other such things kids have on their phones. And why is the girl from the take-away so prominent, or are you a Rice expert, or just leaning Korean or whatever. By the way a K-drama is a Soap, like Coronation Street or Dallas, it’s not an X film, and I bet you hope you tidied your History from your phone. 

So, it is amusing to see, how my WW adapts to android phone life, a baked bean tin and a string was the technological heights of their present phone. A Heinz beans tin of course, the WW is not cheap after all. They will no doubt be wondering how the camera works too, don’t laugh all of us use an android, but to my WW it’s like giving one to an Amazonian Native and expecting them to understand. No doubt watching David Attenborough would be the very first thing they would do, assuming wifi reached their settlement. 

Wifi is a great gift to us all especially in today’s Covid 19 world, when my dad was in the seniors’ home I visited every single day for 3 years, so now with wifi it’s effortless and does salve conscience, as well as being practical. Though it will be interesting to see will folks in care homes get addicted to K-Pop on Utube, or other delights. Or will they get revenge and make nuisance calls to double glazing firms, or switch your energy provider companies who even today are ringing me. Though it won’t be me it’ll just be the WW, that’ll confuse all of them. 

Will the WW get addicted to online gambling, I know a couple of people who got into trouble that way, and they were girls, getting into trouble. So, they had to get 2nd jobs to earn money to pay of the gambling debt. An android phone is a great toy, I inherited my daughters’ cast-offs, and you don’t have to go for the Apple, cheaper versions costing ¼ of the price have just as good specs, just go googling and prove it for yourself. There are good reviewers such as Tech Radar, who do unbiased reviews, or trawl through online reviews, and read them all. And if you are a parent you should not be spending more than 100 quid on a kid’s phone, or much much less, and do learn how to switch the wifi off. You are the one supposed to be in charge, or just lock the batteries away every night. A parent should have more self-discipline than a child. 

Enjoy your toys and use your Onedrive and Gdrive and all those other free storage places, 1000s and 10000s of near identical selfies can be stored in the Cloud. Which reminds me when my Aunty Mary came to England the one time in her life she flew and asked Where Was Heaven as she was amongst the clouds over County Kerry. Use your Android with love, and you’ll be amongst the clouds of Love and Family, maybe arguing too, which sounds like K-Drama to me. 
TRANSLATIONS of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
and yes A Nation of Shopkeepers was my working title back in 1987
And you are all invited to UK
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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...