Thursday, 8 November 2018

still more audio 116 to 130

on my typepad site I hae now uploaded 130 of my 200 or so audio stories

yes it remains my copyright.   But just in case the pain monster gets me you are all cursed with my stories to HEAR.

tell your kids to go into pain relief, win a Nobel Prize for that...

We had a visitor in the night, a local fox came calling and jumping over the fence too. I may write a new piece later, I'm was stupid I listened all night to the USA election so my body clock is still out, add a pain monster or two.

We are enjoying the new house, all the snagging is nearly done,  then poverty beckons as we have to pay for it all. So I will be buying a lottery.

This weekend marks what would have been my dad's 97th Birthday, he did reach 80 though. Personally if I reach 65 or 70 I'll be amazed, yes the pains are that debilitating.

So enjoy the stories while I'm still here.



still more audio:- 116 to 130


this is our old piano a few years ago

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far