Saturday 10 November 2018

Old People's Home 11th Nov 2018

Old People's Home 11th Nov 2018

Old People's Home 11th Nov 2018
Today 11th Nov 2018 would have been my dad's 97th Birthday
Here's a chapter from Tears for a Butcher
if ever I have time to finish it
If I had a legal secretary I could sit and dictate the sequel to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
as it is I'll probably never finish the book, not unless I get the help of God  and two Policemen
9th july 1949 Wedding
Mum and dad pre 1996 001
Mum and dad pre 1996 001

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4992 shaved and fresh out of the bath look. 19th sept 2024

  shaved and fresh out the bath look the Kerry colours by chance  green and gold so hello to the Casey Clan back in Kerry