Thursday, 22 November 2018

It's Thursday and I'm full of snot

It's Thursday and I'm full  of snot

so forgive  the lack of a story today

the girl in shop said she'd have a look at my stuff

so I'll have to improve my writing, or She'll look down on me, she is 6 feet  tall already.

I may write about Teaching tomorrow, but then again let's see which way the wind blows

The mad numbers of viewers has lessened, but it's Thanksgiving so I  image you all have better

things to do. I did think a Pinnochio symbol should  be put beneath all Trump news clips as he

blatantly lies so much. For example the arms sales that could be lost would cost 17,000 jobs not

the 1/2 a million or so he stated. Doesn't anybody watch more that Fox news in USA? I watch 2

news stations, BBC, Sky and read 3 National nespapers daily, DT, DM and the Guardian as well as

listening to Radio news.

INFORMATION IS POWER , read 1984 and Animal Farm

Then please grow up, and don't just read Facebook news feed.

The Integrity of a Nation is at stake, and once lost it is near impossible to regain.

Look back at History, and learn all those lessons.

Reagan said Tear Down that Wall, after Kennedy said he too was a Berliner

Trump says How much it will it cost, and USA will be paying for walls twice over.

Not just in money terms but in Reputational Damage, what Price on Reputation?

You cannot buy off a Nation's Reputation with NGA

The USA people are a great people because of their Big Heart, enjoy Thanksgiving because it reminds us all of the True Great Heart of America, which is never a Transaction. Despite what any temporary and transitory president believes. In God We Trust not in any man.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far