Monday, 12 November 2018

mad viewing figures 1300 in a day

so thank you all, are you all on Trump's plane going home, or just Special Services guys with nothing better to do? I had an idea for a  story which will be a lego add on to the Malta story, so find that and you'll be ready if I finish the new story today. You will like the title if you are in the Military. I shall call it

 When the General French Kissed the Regimental Sergeant Major

now why and when and how and it would be expected of the French or the Italians but never the British,  so can I just put the idea in your head, and let it fester. Go to the bar and discuss what it could mean, and if you are a RSM just  how would you react.

By the way I hope you all like the story. I may finish it tonight or if not then tomorrow.
Please don't leave a horse's head in my bed, a Subway sandwich would be much better, a foot long one. I have most of the story fully formed  in my head, I just need typing time. By the way if anybody wants a piano, then our old one needs a home, so get it touch, you could always land a helicopter in the street, or just drop a winch and take it away.

I must go now and slap on the Movelat, and no it's not some sexual metaphor, have you guys got nothing better to do? Maybe you are just CNN reporters queuing for Donald's  latest lie.

this is the piano in need of a new home

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far